Registration for the upcoming municipal elections in Tunisia started on 19 June 2017
In all of the country's 350 municipalities.
5,377,849 People Registered
More than 2.5 million people remain unregistered. Only 5 million people will participate in deciding the fate of Tunisia.
How old are they?
Let's see what percentage each age group represents.
Voters aged between 18 and 24 represent 8%
Only 8% of registered voters are aged between 18 and 24 (458,237 registered voters).
Voters aged between 25 and 34 represent 25%
25% of registered voters are aged between 25 and 34 (1,337,098 registered voters).
Voters aged between 35 and 50 represent 31%
31% of registered voters are aged between 35 and 50 (1,638,586 registered voters).
Voters above 50 years old represent 36%
36% of registered voters are more than 50 years old (1,943,928 registered voters).
Age vs Youth
Young people represent only 8% of the registered voters, compared to 36% for people past 50 years old.
The older you get, the more likely you'll be deciding the future
Unfortunately, it's the elderly who possess the biggest voting power.
Let's change that!
The future belongs to you. Vote!